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Paying attention to your own health and wellbeing is a vital part of taking the best care of your person with MS. Life can throw you hurdles and challenges that make it easy to ignore your own wellbeing. It can feel like it’s all too hard to even consider where you could start to make some improvements.

However, there are simple actions and activities you can incorporate into your every day to help improve your mental and emotional health, leading to a more fulfilling and balanced life. The 5 Ways to Wellbeing (developed by the New Economics Foundation in the United Kingdom) offers a free, uncomplicated and adaptable approach that can be done anytime, in ways that work for you.

These five principles revolve around small everyday actions that can make a big difference. Plus, you might be doing some of these actions already, so it’s important to recognise this and acknowledge the efforts you already put in.

You don’t need to start big projects or major endeavors, it can be as simple as:

  • saying hello to a neighbour
  • going for a walk, or
  • texting a friend some words of encouragement.

By practicing these small actions, you are actively contributing to your own health and wellbeing, as well as others.

Let’s explore the 5 Ways to Wellbeing:


Human connection is essential to wellbeing. Building and nurturing positive relationships and expanding your social networks creates a sense of belonging, strengthens community and can reduce loneliness.

Here are some ways to connect:

  • Organise a regular catchup with a family member or friend.
  • Phone or email someone you don’t see often.
  • Invite a friend for a ‘walk and talk’ in a park.
  • If you feel comfortable, try speaking to someone new.

Be active

Regular exercise is proven to boost your mood, reduce stress and improve your physical health. It doesn't have to be intense; even a brisk walk can make a difference.

Here are some ways to be active:

  • Go for a walk, run, swim or ride.
  • When catching public transport, get off a stop earlier and walk the final part of your journey.
  • Join a local sports club to be active and meet new people.
  • Household activities such as vacuuming and gardening count too!

Be aware

Being aware of your surroundings and taking time to enjoy the moment you are in are important to our wellbeing.

Here are some ways to be aware:

  • take time to identify how you're feeling, why you're feeling that way, and what you can do to address those feelings in a healthy way. Journaling can be a useful tool for this
  • write down or think about three things you are grateful for that happened in your day
  • declutter and organise your work or admin space
  • take a moment and look at the world around you.

Help others

Supporting someone with MS means you are already engaged in helping others and providing a wide range of support. It’s important to acknowledge this and give yourself credit for this.

Here are some ways to help others:

  • Share your valuable knowledge with a peer support group.
  • Write a thank you note or send an encouraging text message to someone.
  • Donate something you don’t use.
  • Smile and say hello to a neighbour.

Keep learning

Learning new things can be fun, boost your self-esteem and help to find meaning and purpose in life.

Here are some ways to keep learning:

  • Explore “How To” videos online or listen to a podcast.
  • Try a crossword or puzzle.
  • Visit a museum, art gallery or local library.
  • Try a new recipe.

Take a moment and reflect: Are you already doing some of the 5 Ways to Wellbeing in your every day? Are there small actions that you can do to improve your overall health?

5 ways to wellbeing webinar

Nicola McKay works in Community Development at Northern Health and has driven the implementation and embedding of the 'Five ways to Wellbeing' program across Melbourne Health and Northern Health. Watch as Nicola discusses the 5 simple ways you can incorporate these ideas in your everyday life.

Published November 2023