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We join MS Australia in advocating for improvements to the National Disability Support Scheme (NDIS) to better meet the needs of people living with multiple sclerosis (MS).

Show your support for people with multiple sclerosis (MS) by joining the call for six essential reforms to improve the NDIS for the MS community:

1. Hear our voice - Understand MS
Improve understanding of progressive neurodegenerative diseases with the NDIS

2. Timely NDIS access - early intervention pathways
Increased support for people accessing and navigating the NDIS.

3. A helping hand - assistive technology & accommodation
Improved access to assistive technology and accommodation.

4. Life-changing care - MS nurses
Improved access to MS nurses.

5. Don't discriminate - age should not be a barrier
Provision of disability supports and services regardless of age.

6. Inclusive & equitable disability care - beyond the NDIS
Support for people who are not eligible for the NDIS.

Your support will help NDIS Review Panel co-chairs see and understand the importance of these reforms, and help us secure a better NDIS for people living with MS.


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