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Mark Martinuzzo has been busy producing countless pieces of art each day.

A resident at our Plus Residential accommodation in Beverly Hills for the past 15 years, Mark is passionate about his paint-by-numbers artwork.

Mark has been diagnosed with primary progressive MS. Hand tremors, impaired vision (Diplopia) and fatigue are some of the main symptoms affecting Mark’s day-to-day life.

He spends most of his active hours doing artwork and is proud of the work he produces.

‘My artwork is helping me to alleviate some of my MS symptoms, including improving my concentration and overcoming feelings of isolation, anger and depression,’ Mark says.

Staff at Beverly Hills have been displaying Mark’s artwork around the centre and Beverly Hills Residential Manager, Badri Pokhrel says it has been wonderful to see the positive effect art has had on Mark — physically and mentally.

‘Producing art has become one of Mark’s main coping strategies and passionate interests. Our in-house teams were able to set up an arts and crafts area in the second living room and make this easily accessible. We want to help Mark and all our residents to have a chance to experience the benefits of a hobby, and the way this can help improve your quality of life,’ Badri says.

Mark’s next goal is to have a computer and printer to help him continue producing and sharing his art. Beverly Hills staff have been advocating to fund the equipment through the NDIS on Mark’s behalf.

‘We also can’t wait for Mark to go on a respite trip to Canberra for 5 days at the end of this month. We know how much the break will mean to him and how good it will be for his wellbeing,’ Badri says.

To enquire about our Plus Respite and Plus Residential services, contact Plus Connect 1800 042 138

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