Congratulations to the MS Plus nursing team for their achievements at the 2023 Multiple Sclerosis Nurses Australasia (MSNA) Annual Meeting in October.
MS Nurse, Michael Mortensen was awarded an MSNA Lifetime Membership — a very special award acknowledging MS nurses who have significantly contributed to the field within Australasia. Lifetime Membership is not an annual award but rather given when exceptional service is recognised by the MSNA Executive and State delegates. Since MSNA's inception in 1997, Michael is only the eighth recipient of this award.
Executive Manager, Client Engagement & Wellbeing, Jodi Haartsen said, ‘Michael is a well-deserving recipient of this award, dedicating much of his nursing career to improving the lives of people with MS, their families and friends.
‘Michael has provided unwavering support to people with MS in Tassie and has been a constant through the many changes to the way
MS care is delivered. He has provided care with different hats on, in different roles, but stayed focused on his purpose. Michael has been a wonderful mentor to many nurses over the years and a highly valued colleague and friend,’ Jodi says.
‘We are very fortunate that Michael has spent so much of his career with us at MS Plus, and we congratulate him on a very well-deserved recognition of all that he has contributed and, indeed, his exceptional service.’
Jane says, ‘Michael received a standing ovation and a warm round of applause from a room of his peers. Quite a touching moment with a few tears!’
Congratulations also go to MS Nurse, Bridie Phillips, who was awarded the Helen McCarl Award for Best Novice Presentation, after
her speech outlining the MS Plus Carers Strategy and our ongoing delivery of resources and supports to our carer network.
‘My talk also encompassed my role as a carer and I was so honoured to be able to utilise my professional and personal experience to ensure carers were considered in the care of our people living with MS,’ Bridie says.
Michael and Jane both contribute to supporting and advocating for MS nurses, freely and generously giving their time to their roles at MSNA. MS Nurses Australasia Inc is the peak body for multiple sclerosis nursing in Australasia and strives to provide professional development opportunities for nurses with continuing education opportunities, support of nurse led research and peer networking.
Congratulations and thank you to
the entire MS Plus Nursing team. We are very proud of you!
Book a free consultation with an MS nurse today.