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Plus Plan Management can help you stay on top of your NDIS budget and manage your NDIS financial transactions on your behalf, so that you can focus on living well.

How does NDIS plan management work?

Once you have received a service, the provider will send us the invoice for payment. If you prefer, you can check your invoices before we request payment, from the NDIS. The NDIS will pay us, and we will then pay the provider.

NDIS Plan Managers can pay providers who are not registered with the NDIS up to the amount listed in the NDIS Price Guide, if they have an ABN. This means you have the flexibility to use providers who aren’t registered with the NDIS, but without the hassle of managing payments.

How can plan management help you?

Having supported people living with MS for over 65 years, we know that managing the financial aspect of your NDIS plan can feel confusing and overwhelming. We know the disability and community sectors back to front, so you don’t have to explain things and repeat yourself to us.

Our experienced NDIS Plan Managers can:

  • manage your NDIS claims on your behalf
  • monitor your NDIS budget to ensure you are not over or under-spending
  • help you pay your NDIS service provider’s bills on time
  • provide monthly expenditure and fund status reports
  • give you full transparency and control of invoice approvals via the Careview app
  • work closely with your support coordinator to ensure your needs are met
  • allow you to access providers who are not registered with NDIS.

With our NDIS MS Plan Management expertise, we take care of your financial load while working in partnership with you and keeping you in the driver’s seat of your care.

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What should I look for when choosing a plan manager?

Choosing a provider that is trustworthy, honest, responsive, and happy to help! I would recommend choosing a more personalized Plan Manager, as they tend to be more involved with helping you work towards your goals.

Samantha Hocking NDIS Plan Manager

How to access NDIS plan management?

Plan Management is funded by the NDIA. You’ll need to ask for plan management to be included when you have your planning conversation with your NDIS planner. To find out more about how we can help you prepare for your planning conversation, visit Accessing the NDIS.

Ready to get started or have some questions?

Fill in the form below or if you prefer, get in touch with our Plus Connect team on 1800 042 138 or email [email protected]. Let us know what you need because we are here to help you in any way we can.